Hi there,

I'm in the middle of getting about 400 people to register for out rugby club - by getting them to fill the form in online we hope to cut out the 20% error rate we got when someone manually transcribed the entries last year.

I'm still new to the ways of Typolight, and I'm still struggling to find out the optimal or best way to do some things. Once we have the data loaded up we will want to make some changes ourselves - recording things such as payment status for 2010/2011, etc . . .

I know I can do this manually in the database, but I'm sure there must be a back end way to do this also, and probably a front end way also, but in my digging I haven't come across it so far.

What I'm hoping for is pretty straight forward I think - enter in either 'id' value or some other unique value for the particular player and have a few fields pulled back from the database and displayed (things like name, email address, etc . . . to be used for validation) and then have a few fields which can be updated - things like payment status, age group and so on.

I'm just thinking that I reckon I should be able to sort out the backend way once I work my way through DCAs (which I read about but haven't tackled yet) but will this present all fields in tl_member for example, or can I get it to just display a few of the fields ?

And finally, is there some front end way I can do this so that I don't have to introduce the finance guy to the back end and just point him at a form he can browse to, enter in the details and be done ?

