Ok, so I didn't write the extension, and I wanted to make a suggestion, so why not just do it via the forum.

Helmut, this is fantastic. I have a few tips to ease things (as I've been working with them).

1. I've found that the movie still preloads as for Safari you need to specify preload="none" to manually stop it from doing that, leaving off the tag doesn't work, so you can update the template as follows (or add some of the code into the CE)
 preload="<?php echo (!$this->movie_preload || TL_MODE=='BE') ? 'none' : 'auto'; ?>"
this always adds this tag to force it to none or auto

2. You can do a similar thing with autoplay, but you don't want autoplay engaged when you're in the BE, so you can switch it off like this:
<?php if ($this->movie_autoplay && TL_MODE!='BE'): ?> autoplay="autoplay"<?php endif; ?>
3. Also allow ogm for ogg movie as some encoders render the TheoraVorbis movies with this extension. you can just allow ogm,ogv in your file list widget.

I love that it has flash fallback!! Great extension.