Nice extension to make a slideshow with effect without coding :
If you have any questions or comments for us, please let us know.
Nice extension to make a slideshow with effect without coding :
If you have any questions or comments for us, please let us know.
Hi, I have installed this extension, created a new coin slider. But I can't see how to put it in to an article.
If I click "New element" it doe not then appear in the "Element type" dropdown.
Any guidance appreciated.
He did say it was a Module, not a Content Element.
Yep, my bad ops:
Shame, I would use it if it was a Content Element. As a rule I do not give clients/users access to modules.
I also get a couple of javascript errors:
I guess that's down to an incompatibility with mooTools.
Thanks to thyon, for support!
What king of error? you meen with the menu?
We make a "workaround" against Mootools and JQuery incompatibility.
you could also try to look at Nivoo Slider. It's mootools written and maybe we can add some similar effects like coin slider. The current set in Nivoo is similar (blocks + dissolve fade), but some of the effects are just not as nice as Coin.
That looks good!
Where do these guys get there naming ideas from, I'm all for calling a spade a spade!! Call something "Catalog" and we know what it's all about, but Nivoo?
Well MooTools have nothing to do with Cows, LOL. It's My Object Oriented Tools = MooTools.
There is no compatibility problem with CoinSlider, your javascript menu is not working on each page...
Hi synergie, I have double checked, I can't see any javascript errors on any page except the one containing the Coin Slider:
Can you clarify?
Gary, try unselecting moo_mediabox on that page layout.
HiOriginally Posted by Doublespark
i have used this extension for the new version of ContaoCms.it
The problem is the presence of the mootools library and jQuery library.
I have edit the template fe_coinSlider.tpl and write this:
Code:jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#coin-slider').coinslider({
Hi, I have deselected moo_mediabox but still get the error :-(
This also seems to create a validation error:
Code:<a href=""> [img]tl_files/images/news/lady_between_paper-730.jpg[/img] <span> Lady between paper</p></span> </a>
Thanks Paolo, thats sorted the js error.
I like http://www.contaocms.it/ - Strangely/Funnily Google translates "Contao" as "Counted" which creates some interesting text such as "Why counted?" etc.
I see that you managed to make the extension produce valid code for the .it site by removing the
tag from within the <a href> for the image, I have looked everywhere but cannot see where you can do that?
The "problem" is TinyMCEOriginally Posted by Doublespark
In the main setting i have disable Use paragraphs to generate new lines options
Thanks Paolo, you are right it is TinyMCE.
Trouble is turning that of causes more problems than it cures; My content editors would the fill pages with
s rather than correctly styled
s with margins etc.
I have jQuery removing the
tags now, but still does no validate on W3C, tis driving me crazy :cry:
Gary, if that HTML is controlled via a template, you can use php's strip_tags function:
Thanks Brian, a bit of a stretch for my non-programming (read functional) brain, but managed to get there, this worked for me:
Cheers again for the help Brian,Code:<span><?php echo strip_tags($pictures['description']) ?></span>
@synergie - Thanks for a great extension, any chance future development could cater for using this as a content element?
Glad it helped, one additional thing you may want to do is still allow inline bold and italic formatting --
Code:<span><?php echo strip_tags($pictures['description'], '[b][i]' ) ?></span>
Thanks Brian, never thought of that :-)
Thank you for the correction PaoloB. I have updated the module in the repository.
@Doublespark: Ok for the content element...
Have just seen this extension has been updated and can now be used as a content element.
Your welcome! We will keep this extension up to date, can be very useful.
Hello, nice extension.
I'm not able to select a folder that contains images. Help text says 'Please select a file or folder from the files directory.' Doing something wrong?
Contao 2.9.1
btw German translation is as good as ready. I will sent it to you in this forum.
Web-Development, Freelancer, Burgtech, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MooTools, MySQL and more
Amazon wishlist
here is the German translation.
Web-Development, Freelancer, Burgtech, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MooTools, MySQL and more
Amazon wishlist
Thanks for helping us with the german translation.
The English text is wrong at this place, this is the inheritance of the Contao file-tree translation. This will be update in the 1.2 version.
It will be a great feature, to select a complete folder with images. Waiting for version 1.2.
In actual version you can change this phrase:
- 'Bitte wähle eine Datei oder einen Ordner.'
+ 'Bitte wähle ein Bild.'
You can change it again with version 1.2 with:
+ 'Bitte wähle ein Bild oder einen Ordner.'
Perhaps you also can create a german language in the extension repository, so german users can find your extension.
Thank you Andreas
Web-Development, Freelancer, Burgtech, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MooTools, MySQL and more
Amazon wishlist
Your translation was added. The extension is available in German. I'm not sure that my translation is right at 100%.Perhaps you also can create a german language in the extension repository, so german users can find your extension.
Thank you,
for almost every german webadmin it's ok to leave your englich text in your german extension description. Better to see good english, than wrong german :D
But I think, you should point out the special square-overblend-effect, as there are other extensions that present slideshows. If you like to leave your german description, you can use 'Diashow mit Treppchen-Animation' as headline. Here is the corrected german description:
AndreasCode:Diashow Coin-Slider mit Treppchen-Animation Integrieren Sie eine Diashow Coin-Slider auf einfache Weise in Ihre Website. Die offizielle Webseite des Projektes ist: http://workshop.rs/projects/coin-slider/ Funktionen: * Alle Optionen können im Backend konfiguriert werden. * Verwenden Sie die Diashow als Menü. * Coin-Slider kann als Inhalts-Element oder als Modul benutzt werden. Wichtig: * Jedes Bild muss die selbe Größe haben.
Web-Development, Freelancer, Burgtech, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MooTools, MySQL and more
Amazon wishlist
I added your name now that the text is ok.
Oh, thank you very much :D
Web-Development, Freelancer, Burgtech, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MooTools, MySQL and more
Amazon wishlist
Hi and thank you both, lionel & Andreas, for keeping this extension alive
Want to report some minor bugs after updating to the last version of this extension, using 2.9.1 version of contao.
- in module overview i get 2 icns for the same functionality (guess it depends with the parent view model so you can use right click on the pencil icon to get the link show for editing the main settings of the modul. This second Icon is only shown when javascript is disabled.) added screenshot.
- english and german values are in some fields available (double entries)
- when select a transition type like random or another one the images are displayed below each other instead of one image which will be replaced by another one when the effect starts.
- when activate navigation and use 2 images to show I get 4 square icons on the bottom of the images instead of 2, am I right?.
kind regards planepix
Official Contao team member - Official Contao partner
workshop contao conference site 2011
workshop contao conference site 2012
Can I see a live example ?when select a transition type like random or another one the images are displayed below each other instead of one image which will be replaced by another one when the effect starts.
Do you have the same alias on the article and slideshow ?when activate navigation and use 2 images to show I get 4 square icons on the bottom of the images instead of 2, am I right?
I added this button as a shortcut. Now I understand why I could not find it in other modules :? I will delete.in module overview i get 2 icns for the same functionality (guess it depends with the parent view model so you can use right click on the pencil icon to get the link show for editing the main settings of the modul. This second Icon is only shown when javascript is disabled.) added screenshot.
I found a problem with the version CTE ... I'll fix that.
EDIT: there is an update (build 15)
Hi lionel,
thank you for your fast reply and fixing.
Title is "Coin-Slider", alias is "coin-slider".
Will update ASAP - means within next 5 minutes after you have seen the live example before the update.
Live Demo:
http://www.tl-usertreffen.weitzeldesign ... lider.html
kind regards planepix
Official Contao team member - Official Contao partner
workshop contao conference site 2011
workshop contao conference site 2012
Thx for this example.
Can you change the alias of Coin Slider or the alias of the article ? Then there should be only two buttons.
very nice!
Thanks - this is a good this to add.
I did notice a strange effect when using Internet Explorer (8.0).
When I move from another page to a page that contains a coin-slider (I've got one with 8 pictures 400x205 px) then in a flash you'll see all the pictures just before the page is being completed.
I've got a sample at http://bikealive.nl/elan, the coin-slider is at the home page. When you click at another link (e.g. Winkel) and then on Home again I see all the pictures in a flash.
I don't use IE myself but got this as a remark from a friend looking at the page.
I see:
Just before:
it's a great Contao extension. I love it
Please check, if you have also the small problems like me (maybe bugs?). I am using Contao 2.9.4 and Coin-slider 1.2.0:
1) CSS-class ".cs-title", attribute "width" is set by fix 545 Pixels. I changed the width in Content-Modul "coin-slider" f.e. to a width of 500px, but the CSS-class ".cs-title", attribute "width" is still the same: 545 Pixels.
2) there are problems with pictures if they have spaces in their filename. F.e.: "this is my new pic.jpg" is not shown by the coin slider. The pic "this_is_my_new_pic.jpg" is shown.
I like the coin slider and this module. I am wondering whether it would be possible to add somewhere backend switches to configure whether
- jquery.js is injected or not in the main fe_page (in case jquery is already loaded/injected by another module)
- jQuery.noConflict() is called or not (may disturb other installed jquery based modules)
I found where to disable in the source code, but that is not very elegant. Is there a way to update the module regarding the mentioned topics?
I tried to include coin-slider in one of my current projects. Since I started to use Contao 2.10 I know that a lot of extensions have not yet been ported to the new release, however it seems coin slider should support it - therefore I was very happy
I installed it, created a new coin slider - added some pictures and finally created a new content element for it. After that I refreshed my page-layout to include the jQuery script, along with the other MooTools scripts. When I now open the page, the pictures will all be shown below each other - without any slideshow/fade effect :?
Did I miss anything for the configuration/setup - do I need to add some specific CSS, or might this be a bug? Has somebody a similar issue?
Best regards