I'm trying to get the "countdown" extension working in Contao v2.9.1 installed on a Linux/Apache server.
1. The syntax in the Extension Repository for the example appears to be wrong. Example given is
{?{countdown::2009-12-24::Only %s days until christmas!::Christmas 2009 is over[}]
It appears that the example syntax is incorrect, an earlier version of the countdown shows double braces at the end:
{?{countdown::2009-12-24::Only %s days until christmas!::Christmas 2009 is over}}
2. When I install either version of the syntax above in an HTML article element, or a module, the module fails and displays the code instead of the number of days remaining.
3. If I test a standard inserttag on the same page as "countdown", as in
{?{countdown::2010-10-23::Only %s days until Fall Festival!::Christmas 2009 is over}}</p>
the syntax for the page_title returns the correct page title, while the countdown extension fails and only displays the code.
4. If I try to insert the countdown syntax into a new custom inserttag field, an error appears saying there can be "no white space" in an inserttag. Could this be causing the problem with "countdown"?
5. Right it seems that countdown is NOT compatible with 2.9.1, anybody have any suggestions here?
Ernest McDermon
Snellville, GA