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Thread: Users Control over Members

  1. #1
    Experienced user
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    Default Users Control over Members

    I have created a User group and allowed them permissions to access the Members module.
    I have them able to read/edit certain Member info and deactivate Members- this has been acheived by ticking various permissions in the tl_member fields.
    However, two things I can't figure out.

    I don't want them to be able to create,edit or delete Members....only read their record and deactivate them (which can both be done outside of editing the record via the "Blue info" and "Green Eye" buttons.

    I don't want them to see the records of Members of all Member Groups....I have three groups but I only want the User to see one of them. At the moment the User can deactivate Members of Member Groups he has nothing to do with.

    The idea is that if a User has a problem with a Member of a Member Group he is in charge of...then he can deactivate them and report the problem to an Admin (who can edit/delete them etc), but he cannot delete,edit or create them himself.

    Is this possible at present, or shall I Feature request it?

    Also, I have extended the Members module with one new field, but this does not show up as selectable in the User permissions... as a result even if I deselect all fields - this one still shows up when the User edits the Member.
    Does the field also need to be added somehow into the permissions system?

  2. #2
    Join Date

    Default Re: Users Control over Members

    Hi, have you figure out how to create this functionality?

    I don't want them to see the records of Members of all Member Groups....I have three groups but I only want the User to see one of them. At the moment the User can deactivate Members of Member Groups he has nothing to do with.
    I understand that this post is very old, but probably you could help me.

    Thank you.

  3. #3
    Experienced user
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    Default Re: Users Control over Members

    Sorry Dmitry but I never did -
    (nor did I feature request anything).


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