
I have a DCA which contains 2 date fields, one is the time the order was taken and the other is the time which has been booked by the customer.When the records are listed in the backend I would like them sorted/grouped by either of these dates but I am having some issues with setting this up.

Here are my DCA list sorting settings:
'sorting' => array
		 	'mode' => 2,
			'fields' => array('order_date, booking_date'),
			'flag' => 1,
			'panelLayout' => 'sort'			
And here is one of the fields that I am trying to sort by:
'order_date' => array
		 	'label' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_booking_orders']['order_date'],
			'inputType' => 'text',
			'sorting' => true,		
			'eval' => array('rgxp'=>'date', 'datepicker'=>$this->getDatePickerString(), 'tl_class'=>'w50 wizard')
This sort of works, but not how I expected. It groups and sorts the elements by date but it displays the date as a time stamp, for example: '1313577804'. Secondly my 'Sort' select box on the list is empty, I want it to contain the two fields so that the back end user can switch between them.

I need the date formatted and the select box to work. I have had a look at the Isotope tl_iso_orders DCA as Isotope does this very well, but can't see how it is done.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.