thank you for your quick response! (I didn't get any notification and just checked here again.)
So formauto has been updated to C3.1 execpt for the modules, right?
I just reinstalled formauto (after uninstalling efg), copied a form and set it to Automatic Form, then I imported some records via phpmyadmin. Formauto didn't recognize the data, so I entered a record using the form and checked the data table: the imported records have been deleted, i.e. replaced by the record I added using the form. I suppose, there's no way to import records ...?
(No errors this time, but then I didn' create any of the "free-standing" modules.)
For the frontend, the core listing module is working just fine. I understand that this extension has been developed for event registrations which explains that new records can only be added in the frontend while they can only be edited in the backend.
I don't use formauto for event registrations (so far), but I do have small businesses once and again who want to offer products or references etc. in searchable/sortable lists. Therefore I need a frontend editing possibilty for logged in users and/or a possibilty to add new records in the backend. Would it be a lot of effort to implement that? Would you make me an offer?
Oh, and one more question: Are there any insert tags that can be used for the confirmation page and for emails?
EDIT: Just for fun I created a formauto listing module and I got this error message again:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ModuleFormAutoListing in /.../system/modules/formauto/modules/ModuleFormAutoListing.php on line 110