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Thread: several blocking bugs on v3.2.3 for linux and windows

  1. #1
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    Default several blocking bugs on v3.2.3 for linux and windows


    For your information I am an expert in system and software engineering (not a newbie).

    I installed contao-core-v3.2.3 on a dedicated server and started it in just less than 60 minutes. Nonetheless I was unable to “use it”. The website initial webpage ask me to go through the installation wizard “/contao/install.php” which I do. Then several errors arise. See below.

    (1) Error sprintf
    The install.php show onscreen a very ugly error:

    Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in contao/install.php on line 825
    #0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'sprintf() [??Ate...', '

    (2) Error print layout
    Moreover the webpage appearance is broken. I attach an image. It is a zoomout version on 1900px screen. To see the clear picture I have to do this. The alternative is scroll down (everywhere) and take several pictures and create “mosaic” (puzzle).
    This is an indication that something is broken with the layout and/or error reporting blocks/sections. (try/tach exceptions?).

    (3) Error form field user/password
    On attached “image 2” see that the form fields are not well displayed. The password field is already “selected”. When using a simple mouse click to select it my self, before any keyboard action an automatic function (JavaScript?) redirects the browser.
    See attached “image 3”. The URL address is wrong (except domain name //server.lan:49239):

    To me is clear that the entire installation php file is broken. No manipulation on my part though.

    (4) Error configuration creation
    Navigating back to the initial index.php it behave as it was installed. The next file is created:
    “system/config/localconfig.php” with content:

    $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['licenseAccepted'] = true;
    My guess is that this file is corrupted. A lot of parameter should be there and only “one” the first wizard step is complete (“accept license”).

    I also detected an error trying to connect to database. Fails to load system configuration parameters regarding database host, username, password. As I've seen all these parameters somehow linked to the installation process and file “localconfig.php”.

    (5) Error Windows platform
    Due to past errors I passed this task to another user without instructions. To install on a windows platform which runs other php apps. The user encountered several errors (I do not have details right now) and reported back he is blocked. Same as I am. Both of us downloaded latest “stable version” (v3.2.2).

    ¿Do you need extra technical information? I check all software requirements myself. I use FastCGI through php-fpm on -v5.3.27. On a production stage running on other websites flawlessly. The Apache HTTPD server deploys each website listen to a dedicated tcp port. No virtual_host config messing around.

    I need support to “understand” why two different people are unable to install the latest stable version. If we're not able to evaluate this software, impossible for us to recommend its use to our customers in Europe (germany, italy, spain).

    Thanks in advance,
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by jferran; 01/09/2014 at 13:18. Reason: add contao version to topic subject.

  2. #2
    Community-Moderator xchs's Avatar
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    Please run the Contao check to verify the integrity of your Contao installation.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by xchs View Post
    Please run the Contao check to verify the integrity of your Contao installation.
    Yep, I forgot to inform you about this. I already used contao-check and it worked fine. It says everything is ok and detects a local installed version.
    My first impression was that this module is not good enough. One basic feature should be to check for local database settings and use them to SQL a table and see it's created OK. None exists though.

    Thanks for your fast reply.

  4. #4
    Community-Moderator xchs's Avatar
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    You got the "Your installation is up to date." message from the Contao check "Validate an existing installation", right?

    Since you are using a browser which primary language configuration is set to "Spanish (Español)" Contao loads the corresponding Spanish language files. However, it looks as there is (at least) one error in the Spanish translation. Therefore, it is not a bug in Contao, but a typing error done by someone from the Spanish translation team. All the Contao translations are managed and hosted on the Transifex plattform. So, just take a look at the Spanish translation—the wrong string is here:
    %s<strong>¡Atención!</strong> Su navegador esta %sobsoleto%s y <strong>no puede utilizar todas las características de este sitio web</strong>.%s
    <strong>Attention!</strong> Your web browser is %sout of date%s and <strong>you cannot use all features of this website</strong>.
    As you can see, there is an wrong string placeholder "%s" at the beginning of the translated string. That should be removed there.

    You may want to join the Spanish translation team on Transifex and fix the wrong translation string right there. You can also fix the issue temporary on your local installation. Just look for the translation string in "system/modules/core/languages/es/default.xlf:L196" (probably you'd also have to purge cached language files).

    For the moment and as a workaround you may also want to switch the primary browser language setting from "Spanish" to e.g. "English".

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  5. #5
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    Thanks your details are enough, problem fixed and running OK.

    (1) Operating system: OK
    I also forgot to mention that on same dedicated server I tested a backup copy for a website with contao. It works perfectly. Same user, binaries, etc. So for this reason I discarded any operating system misconfiguration as the potential cause.

    (2) Validate in several languages
    I usually validate a bug with two browsers with two different language configurations. You're right in language english it works. My mistake as I missed to validate the bug in english. The person that tried to install on windows, uses language italian.

    (3) Fix translation
    Your indication is quite precise but incomplete. Removing the first %s does not solve the problem. I analyzed content again and detected another wierd %s placed at the end of the string. Removing this last one works ok.

    (4) Not a bug in Contao
    This subject is open to discussion (not in this thread). The error is caused or triggered by a mistake on a translation text, that's true. But the error, the mistake, is in Contao. This is an open bug anyone can use to harm contao app. The common mistake of using sprintf() with improper amount of parameters is comprehensible. Nonetheless the Contao Chief Architect might want to reconsider the design being used to handle translation. In my humble opinion, one mistake on a text, should never ever affect an app logic.


  6. #6
    Community-Moderator xchs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jferran View Post
    The person that tried to install on windows, uses language italian.
    I have tried that, too. The installation went as usual – no problems so far. No idea what your colleague did.

    Quote Originally Posted by jferran View Post
    Your indication is quite precise but incomplete. Removing the first %s does not solve the problem. I analyzed content again and detected another wierd %s placed at the end of the string. Removing this last one works ok.
    You're right. Sorry, I must have missed that.

    Quote Originally Posted by jferran View Post
    This subject is open to discussion (not in this thread). The error is caused or triggered by a mistake on a translation text, that's true. But the error, the mistake, is in Contao. This is an open bug anyone can use to harm contao app. The common mistake of using sprintf() with improper amount of parameters is comprehensible.
    I remember that there was already a ticket on this topic some time ago. And indeed, #5030. As you can see there, I had already tracked the problem down and pointed to the proper solution. It's a shame that the problem still exists after one year! It takes certainly only two minutes to fix the problem on Transifex. But as I have already said, the translations are maintained by the community members themselves. The Contao core contains – per se – only the English language strings. All other languages are translated on Transifex by the respective translation teams. Therefore, the translators must take care that the corresponding translation is correct. Furthermore, I do not understand how this case could actually happen since Transifex will complain if the number of specifiers (or other special characters) do not match with the source string.

    So, don't complain about an open source project. Just be a part of the community idea, join the Spanish translation team and finally fix the issue!

    Quote Originally Posted by jferran View Post
    Nonetheless the Contao Chief Architect might want to reconsider the design being used to handle translation. In my humble opinion, one mistake on a text, should never ever affect an app logic.
    Feel free to propose your considerations or (maybe) a working solution in the project tracker.
    Contao Community Moderator
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