I've tried many possibilities :
SELECT id FROM mm_representations WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date_tmstp`) = '24/04/2016'
SELECT id FROM mm_representations WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date_tmstp`) = '24-04-2016'
SELECT id FROM mm_representations WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date_tmstp`) = '24042016 '
SELECT id FROM mm_representations WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date_tmstp`) = '2016/04/24'
SELECT id FROM mm_representations WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date_tmstp`) = '2016-04-24'
SELECT id FROM mm_representations WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date_tmstp`) = '20160424'
Hey ! I've just noticed : in mysql db, for each record, the date_tmstp field stores the same integer as tstamp field. So, date_tsmtp is really acting as a timestamp and not only recording in Unix format the date entered or selected in datepicker.
Perhaps it is not the right field for what I need but I tried with numeric, decimal and text and found none I could use date formatting (or the date picker).
Edit : I'm using metamodels/bundle_all. Is there some other attributes with nightlies version ?