Mist. Ich hab jetzt auf dem Testsystem den Composer installiert:
und kriege jetzt ein:
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in system/modules/core/library/Contao/System.php on line 140
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'in_array() expe...', '/path/to/contao...', 140, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/library/Contao/System.php(140): in_array('getInstance', NULL)
#2 system/modules/core/classes/FrontendTemplate.php(88): Contao\System->import('FormdataProcess...')
#3 system/modules/core/pages/PageRegular.php(190): Contao\FrontendTemplate->output(true)
#4 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(267): Contao\PageRegular->generate(Object(Contao\PageModel), true)
#5 index.php(20): Contao\FrontendIndex->run()
#6 {main}
Fatal error: Class 'FormdataProcessor' not found in /path/to/contao/system/modules/core/library/Contao/System.php on line 140
Liegt das an einer eigenen Erweiterung die ich habe? Das hat doch was mit dem efg zu tun, scheint mir!?
Ich hatte ihn über die Erweiterungen installiert, so wie das im Wiki auch steht. Dann hab ich schließlich auf 'Datenbank aktualisieren' gedrückt, vorher alles auswählen. Sehr viele DROP Befehle dabei, kam mir nicht ganz geheuer vor:
Datenbank aktualisieren
Alle auswählen
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dma_eg_data`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_template`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_zoom`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_size`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_static`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_nocss`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_tabs`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_content` DROP `dlh_googlemap_url`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `storeFormdata`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `efgStoreValues`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `useFormValues`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `useFieldNames`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `efgAliasField`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `sendConfirmationMail`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailRecipientField`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailRecipient`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailSender`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailReplyto`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailSubject`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailText`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailTemplate`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailSkipEmpty`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `sendFormattedMail`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `formattedMailRecipient`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `formattedMailSubject`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `formattedMailText`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `formattedMailTemplate`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `formattedMailSkipEmpty`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `addConfirmationMailAttachments`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `confirmationMailAttachments`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `addFormattedMailAttachments`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `formattedMailAttachments`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form` DROP `nc_notification`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgLookupOptions`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgMultiSRC`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImageMultiple`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImageUseHomeDir`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImageSortBy`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImageSize`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImagePerRow`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImageMargin`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgImageFullsize`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgAddBackButton`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgBackSlabel`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgSwitchButtonOrder`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgBackStoreSessionValues`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgBackImageSubmit`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `efgBackSingleSRC`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_form_field` DROP `conditionField`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dma_eg_data`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `list_formdata`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_list_searchtype`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_list_access`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_fe_edit_access`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_fe_delete_access`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_fe_export_access`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_DetailsKey`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_iconfolder`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_fe_keep_id`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_fe_no_formatted_mail`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_fe_no_confirmation_mail`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_com_allow_comments`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_com_per_page`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `efg_com_notify`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_template`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_zoom`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_size`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_static`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_nocss`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_tabs`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_url`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_target`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_linkTitle`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `dlh_googlemap_rel`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `nc_notification`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_list_layout`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_reader_layout`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_gallery`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_collectionTpl`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_filterTpl`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_jump_first`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_hide_list`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_use_quantity`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_display404Page`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_checkout_method`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_login_jumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_loginRequired`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_addProductJumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_cols`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_config_id`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_config_ids`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_payment_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_shipping_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `orderCompleteJumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_forward_review`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_order_conditions`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_order_conditions_position`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_addToAddressbook`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_orderCollectionBy`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_emptyMessage`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_noProducts`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_emptyFilter`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_noFilter`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_category_scope`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_list_where`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_filterModules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_filterFields`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_cumulativeFields`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_newFilter`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_filterHideSingle`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_searchFields`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_searchAutocomplete`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_sortingFields`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_enableLimit`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_perPage`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_cart_jumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_checkout_jumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_listingSortField`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_listingSortDirection`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_buttons`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_related_categories`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_includeMessages`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_continueShopping`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_address`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_addressFields`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_module` DROP `iso_productcache`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_page` DROP `iso_config`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_page` DROP `iso_store_id`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_page` DROP `iso_setReaderJumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_page` DROP `iso_readerJumpTo`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_undo` DROP `haste_data`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `et_enable`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `et_activeModules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `et_short`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `et_mode`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `et_bemodRef`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `dlh_googlemapss`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `dlh_googlemapsp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_product_types`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_product_typep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_payment_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_payment_modulep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_shipping_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_shipping_modulep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_tax_classes`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_tax_classp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_tax_rates`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_tax_ratep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_configs`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_configp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_groups`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_groupp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user` DROP `iso_reports`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `dlh_googlemapss`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `dlh_googlemapsp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_product_types`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_product_typep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_payment_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_payment_modulep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_shipping_modules`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_shipping_modulep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_tax_classes`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_tax_classp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_tax_rates`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_tax_ratep`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_configs`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_configp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_groups`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_groupp`;
ALTER TABLE `tl_user_group` DROP `iso_reports`;
Alle auswählen
DROP TABLE `tl_boxen`;
DROP TABLE `tl_dlh_googlemaps`;
DROP TABLE `tl_dlh_googlemaps_elements`;
DROP TABLE `tl_dma_eg`;
DROP TABLE `tl_dma_eg_fields`;
DROP TABLE `tl_formdata`;
DROP TABLE `tl_formdata_details`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_address`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_attribute`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_attribute_option`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_baseprice`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_config`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_document`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_download`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_gallery`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_group`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_label`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_orderstatus`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_payment`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_category`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_collection`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_collection_download`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_collection_item`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_collection_surcharge`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_price`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_product_pricetier`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_productcache`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_producttype`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_related_category`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_related_product`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_requestcache`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_rule`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_rule_restriction`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_rule_usage`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_shipping`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_tax_class`;
DROP TABLE `tl_iso_tax_rate`;
DROP TABLE `tl_nc_gateway`;
DROP TABLE `tl_nc_language`;
DROP TABLE `tl_nc_message`;
DROP TABLE `tl_nc_notification`;
DROP TABLE `tl_nc_queue`;
Jetzt habe ich eine DB Sicherung zurück gespielt, aber obiger Fehler steht jetzt da.
Es ist nur ein Testsystem, aber ich habe da schon einiges vorbereitet, also da steckt schon Arbeit drin. Würde es gerne wieder hin kriegen.