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Thread: News, events... members groups

  1. #1
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    Default News, events... members groups

    Hi community

    I'm starting to develop a new contao website.

    There will be a lot of informations and I want to filter them, depending on visitor profile. For example: is visitor an individual, a company, an administration etc.

    Depending on the profile, only some of the elements (especially news and events) will be displayed.

    My first idea was to use the member groups.
    But two problems arise already:
    1- how to allow access without using session recording (but a click on a button or drop-down list)
    2- how can I make a news or event accessible to multiple groups without duplicating ... I know how to add a "protected" field in the tl_calendar_events but cannot manage display (or not)...
    Pity only the whole news or events archives have protection option, not news or event itself...

    My second idea was not to use members groups but to create simple pages.
    But the management of news and events remains a problem.
    How, without duplicating, bring up news on different pages, depending on the user's profile?

    Obviously, my client will seek for a easy way to manage that, so when creating a new event or news, he should be able, in one click, to set the apprpriate pages to display them...

    I hope I made myself clear enough (sorry for my english, but it's still better than my german ^^)

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions...

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  2. #2
    User Andreas's Avatar
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    I think you have to create an archive for each group. Your client then has to create the news in the appropriate archive. Output restriction settings additionaly can be handled inside module, article or content element settings.
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  3. #3
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    Hi Andreas,
    thanks for your answer.

    Unfortunately, I still don't understand how to solve these problems:

    - If I use groups as suggested, how can I grant access to a page to a visitor, understanding I don't want him to be logged.
    I don't really want to create protected pages... but a public page with filtered elements...

    - Assuming I can solve this 1st problem, how then could my client choose the appropriate archive for a news that must be accessible to several groups?
    I could create archives:
    - A
    - B
    - C
    - A+B
    - A+C
    - B+ C
    but it's definitely not user friendly, and if I want to create 5 or 6 groups, this would be just like hell...

    There must be a simple way, but I don't get it...

  4. #4
    User Andreas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinny38 View Post
    If I use groups as suggested, how can I grant access to a page to a visitor, understanding I don't want him to be logged.
    If I visit your page and I'm not logged, then I'm a guest. There's an option "only guests".

    But if core features aren't enough for you here, you have to write a plugin to extend the core features.
    Web-Development, Freelancer, Burgtech, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MooTools, MySQL and more
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  5. #5
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    I found this great extension to manage news categories:

    This is just what I needed for news.

    I'm testing for events...



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